The new campaign for our “Center of Hope” is online!

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Of course you can also donate directly to the Tumaini Ministries account.

IBAN: DE 48 5519 0000 0903 4260 13 BIC: MVBMDE55.


Marco & Joy

in Nairobi

We hope that through the example of our life, young people will experiece that they can conquer any challenge with God on their side.
— Marco Fries
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Up for An Adventure?

One year discipleship school in Nairobi

On the "Wall of fame" you can find companies and organizations that support our work and the development of the "Center of Hope" in a special way. Thank you very much!

The company Centra Immobilien has already supported us and our work several times. For example, a large donation was instrumental in enabling us to purchase the land for our "Center of Hope". But also the distribution of food packages for needy families in Kenya was initiated and generously supported by the managing director.

The company "Hydac" from Saarland has contributed decisively through a generous donation to the fact that we were able to search for and find water on the property we bought in Nairobi and that a well can now soon be drilled.

The Christusgemeinde in Gau Algesheim is our home church in Germany, which also sent us to Kenya in 2017. Until today we have a close friendship and we get support in many different ways. When we are in Germany, one of our first paths always leads there and it always feels like "coming home".

The Zeal Church in Leipzig is a great church that was founded by two friends of ours. Here, too, we are always generously supported, be it financially or practically, for example by helping with videos. In the meantime we were allowed to visit them several times and we feel very connected to the people there, but also to the church itself.