Update September 19

Hello dear friends!

The crowdfunding campaign is online!

As explained in our last letter, we have found a great piece of land, 12.000m² that needs financing. We have started a crowdfunding campaign at betterplace.org  and made a new video concerning this. You can follow this link : https://www.betterplace.org/en/projects/72407 to our campaign. Have a look, share on social media and feel encouraged to support us.

Looking back

Since last Thursday, we are back in Nairobi and are very grateful for the lovely time we were able to spend in Germany. We presented our project in different churches and were able to make new contacts and spend time with many wonderful people. All in all we are very grateful and also encouraged for the next steps.

Looking forward

We will be very busy in the next weeks, working on the plan for the “Center of Hope” which will be developed on the new piece of land we will be buying. Among other things, we have meetings with architects as well as people who have developed similar projects here in Africa.

Thank you!
We would like to thank all who support us through prayer, financially or practically. We are very grateful for the involvement of so many in your project.
If you would like to support us or if you have any questions or comments, we would be happy to hear from you!

Yours truly,

Marco and Joy

Marco Fries