Update November 19

Hello dear friends,

We have left the Kenyan sun behind us and have landed in Germany.

We have been very active these last weeks. Among other things we were able to present our project at the “Foursquare Germany” conference and in a church in Nastätten.

As you can see, financing has developed positively.

Finanzen 11 19 2.jpg

Here is the link to our crowdfunding campaign : https://www.betterplace.org/en/projects/72407.

In the meantime we have developed a very professional informational brochure that we can bring into companies to make publicity for our project. If you are interested in having copies of this brochure, just let us know.
Even more exciting news is that the association “Architects Beyond Borders” ( Architekten über Grenzen) has connected us with an architectural office in Hamburg that has experience in the planing of schools and that has agreed to plan our entire “Centre for Hope” for us for free! We are so very grateful for this! In the next weeks we will travel to Hamburg to see the first draft. We also have a good architect in Kenya who can take care of the project on site.

Looking forward:
We will be in Germany until December 10th and we have planned to visit two churches where we will be able to preach and present our project. On November 11th we will be in ICF Leipzig and on December 1st in the church of Gau-Algesheim. We look very much forward to this. If you are in the region, come see us!

When we return to Kenya, at the latest, we will prepare for the next school year of the Foxfires programm that begins in January. You can find more information about our work and vision on our website: www.tumainiministries.com.

Thank you:
At this point we would like to thank all who support us financially, practically or through prayer. In these last times we have experienced a lot of support which has encouraged us grately.

If you would like to support us or if you have any questions or comments, we would love to hear from you!
Yours truly,

Marco und Joy

Marco Fries