Update March 20
Hello dear friends!
Behind us lay busy weeks, but these last days have been especially eventful. Our focus these last weeks has been on teaching at Foxfires. We have been discussing the subjects of leadership and discipleship. Our main
focus is to show these young people that they are not victims of their circumstances, but rather that their lives are in their own hands and that they can write their own story. We are very enthusiastic about our students, they are a wonderful group, full of motivation to learn and willingness to apply things in their personal life. This is very encouraging for us.
Marco teaching his students.
Centre of Hope
The financing for the land on which the Centre of Hope will be built is up to 35 000 Euros, we are only missing 18 000 more. We are very glad about this progress and thank you for your support!
Looking forward :
In the meantime, the first Corona cases have been diagnosed in Kenya. Authorities reacted immediately by introducing strict measures, meaning that we had to send our Foxfires students home on Monday until an unknown time. We were still able to give them a couple documents for them to work through at home. We have also made progress concerning the founding of an association here in Kenya, but we had to cancel the inaugural assembly because of the Coronavirus. As we could no longer go forward here in Kenya and that the situation was intensifying in Germany, we decided to fly to Germany on March 19th. In April we will be invited to two different churches, on the 5th to Vaterhaus in Nürnberg and on the 19th in the Christusgemeinde in Gau-Algesheim. Of course, all of these plans depend on the developments of the situation in Germany. We will keep you posted. We are still looking for churches and organizations where we could present our project. If you would like to invite us, let us know, we would gladly accept your invitation!
You can read more about our work and vision on our homepage. There you will also find a new blog entry where Marco talks about life in Kenya. The theme this time is « Friday night » https://www.tumainiministries.com/blog/2020/3/13/mein-leben-in-kenia-teil-14-freitagabend-in-kenia
Thanks :
At this point we would like to thank you all again for your prayers, financial or practical support. With out you our work here in Kenya would not be possible. We feel so privileged and grateful for your help! If you would like to support us or if you have any questions or comments, we would be happy to hear from you!
Marco and Joy