Newsletter August 24
Hello dear friends!
After several weeks of the “Kenyan winter”, the days are now getting warmer again, which makes us very happy.
We are also pleased with the progress of our building: the roof is now finished and the interior work has begun. The tower on which the water tank will stand was also erected last week.
We are very happy about the development of our house.
More impressions of the construction can be found on social media. In the story highlights on Instagram, you can also follow the complete development of the construction so far.
Planning for our visit to Germany in November and December is also in full swing. A number of dates have already been set and we are very much looking forward to them. More information will be provided in the next newsletter.
Now that Marco has received his work permit, he will also receive a kind of “foreigner's identity card” here in Kenya. However, this also involves a lot of bureaucracy and we are trying to obtain the relevant document in September.
In addition, the construction is increasingly entering the decisive phase and the move has to be planned. Please feel free to pray for wisdom and success.
Thank you:
Finally, we would like to thank all of you who regularly pray for us or support our work through donations or in practical ways. It is only through you that our work here in Kenya is possible.
Would you also like to support us and our work or do you have any questions, suggestions or similar? Please get in touch with us. We look forward to hearing from you!
Yours truly
Marco and Joy