Update October 22
Hello dear friends!
We can start this newsletter with some good news: In the meantime, we have received the deed showing that the land we bought near Nairobi really belongs to us. This makes us very happy and is an important step towards the construction of our Center of Hope.
However, in order to be able to start construction, as planned, in early 2023, we still need finances. Our goal is to raise 6000 Euros with your help until the end of November. With this money we want to finance the steel tower on which the water tank for the well will stand, through which the entire Center of Hope can be supplied with water. This tower is important to generate the needed water pressure.
Of course we know that 6000 Euros is a lot of money, but if 200 people donate 30 Euros each, we will have reached our goal.
Together we have already achieved so much, and we will also manage this step with your help - thank you!
In keeping with the theme of "donors", there is also news on our website. We have now set up the "Wall of Fame" on our homepage. In this section, organizations and companies are named that support us and our work in Kenya and the construction of the Center of Hope in a special way. You can find the "Wall of Fame" under the following link: Home — Tumaini Ministries.
Of course we are still working on the financing of the first two construction phases. We will have several meetings in the next few weeks. You are welcome to pray for this.
At the end of November we will fly to Germany again. The first dates to present our work and its progress have already been set. The first one is on 27. 11. in the church Unterwegs in Nastätten. If you live nearby, feel free to come by. You will find the December dates in the next newsletter.
Thank you:
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you who support our work through prayer, finances or practical support. Only through you our work is possible - thank you!
If you would like to support us or have questions or suggestions about our work, please contact us. We look forward to hearing from you.
Yours truly
Marco and Joy