July 23
Hello dear friends!
In the meantime, we have landed well in Germany and arrived, for which we are really grateful. And as it is always the case: With some things we wanted to finish before our trip to Germany, we succeeded, with others not or only partially.
So we were able to finish the accounting of the relief package action. For the application of Marco's work visa we have at least all the necessary documents together. We have started with the application, but it is not finished yet. Since the application is now done exclusively online, we can also complete this in Germany, which we will now do in a timely manner.
Once again we are allowed to present our work and its progress in different communities.
What annoys us most is that the amended statutes have still not been finally approved. We are in regular contact with the relevant authorities and are waiting daily for a positive response. You are welcome to continue praying for this. In principle, this also applies to the building permit. However, we have only applied for this a few weeks ago, so we expect that this may take a little longer. Prayer is of course already helpful here.
Once again, we have the privilege of presenting our work and its progress in various communities.
In August and September, we will again be on the road in various churches to present our work. On August 13th we will be in the Christusgemeinde in Gau Algesheim and on September 3rd in the Real.Life Church in Berlin. We are really looking forward to this. If you live somewhere nearby, please feel free to come by. We are looking forward to meeting you. More dates will follow in the next newsletter.
Thank you:
Finally, we would like to thank all of you who support us through finances, prayer or practical help. Only through you our work here in Kenya is possible!
If you have any questions or suggestions or would like to support our work, please feel free to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you.
Yours truly
Marco and Joy